

This site is about music.  Well, not entirely about music.  It's not about me.  It's not about you.  It's a reference to the infinite, to cybernetic theory and also to Dante's "Inferno."  Belinda Carlisle once stated, "Ooh Heaven is a place on Earth!"  If that's the case, then I guess Hell is too.  That's where the escapades of Dante and Virgil come into play. 
This site is about the associations derived from human-to-human contact, generated by creations and events within the music world.  It's about who and what we discover on our journeys, which are infinite, because they always lead to other journeys and associations.  Buddhism calls it "interconnectedness."  Science makes mention of "feedback loops."  Anyway, here we are--in our Heaven/Hell--making friends and doing stuff.  That's what this site is about.