
Friday, March 2, 2012

Not Done Melting Faces

Writing & Concert Photos by Stephanie Augello
Additional Photos & Videos by Exemption

After ten years of playing music together, popular Long Island band Exemption will be disbanding this month, with the members shifting focus to other musical endeavors. 


This week, Long Island three-piece band Exemption announced that they will be splitting up.  Now, musical alliances come and go, so news that a group of rockers is disbanding is nothing shocking; however, hearing that news from a group such as Exemption is enough to jar - if only slightly - even the most jaded of those who've gotten to know them.  Guitarist Nick Lee had these words to share with the band's friends:

At the end of the day, we remained the band we were for as long as we did because of the love and support we got from our close friends, families, and fans who genuinely took interest in our music. Without the love we received from you all over the years, I don’t think we would have made it this far. Exemption’s music belongs to you as much as it belongs to us and we could never thank you enough for everyone’s individual help and support. I couldn’t imagine creating a list of people to thank at this point. There are just way too many people and bands that have lent us their ears or their companionship. You know who you are and we know who you are and we love you and thank you from the grimy bottom of our black hearts. 
We will keep everyone updated on the progress of our new music...we are not done melting faces by a long shot.


Long Island's music scene has, as of late, developed a large scale reputation as being a sort of "has been."  Since 2003, Nick Lee, Raymond Marte and Thomas Moran have been pumping out energetic, skilled music that puts the validity of such a negative designation into question.  On stage, they unleash a hard rocking, manic excitement, while still managing to exude the warmth of their off stage personalities.  Their efforts as a team have lead them to numerous grassroots achievements.  They've developed a devoted local following, gone on a number of tours, released three albums, were recently featured as Deli NYC's "Band of the Month" and will be making an appearance in a live film currently being compiled by Centerville Studios.  Might I add that, at the end of this ten year span of togetherness, the three members are all still in their early twenties. 

Below are a pair of videos shot of the band around the time they were recording their last album, "Public Cemetery Party."  The live photographs of them seen here are from Vision Through Sound's Tenth Anniversary show this past June.  If you would like to see these guys live one last time, they will be playing with Daikaiju at Brooklyn's The Charleston on March 10th.  Exemption, you guys are awesome.  You will obviously be missed.


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