
Friday, March 30, 2012

Winning Combination

Writing & Photos by Stephanie Augello
Flyers by Oryx & Crake and The Viking Progress

The Viking Progress is releasing their new album "Whistling While the End is Near."  In support of this, they will be playing with Oryx & Crake this weekend in both Atlanta and Athens.


Patrick Morales of The Viking Progress is yet another player in the friendly, collaborative Georgia music scene with which I'm so enamored.  His band's new album, "Whistling While the End is Near," is a prime, tangible example of what can be achieved when people combine their brains and talents.  Being the result of years of experiences, circumstances and labor, it should not go unnoticed. 

According to information provided by a variety of sources, Patrick was introduced to the members of Oryx & Crake five years ago, after returning to Georgia from "...spending a summer working on two Alaskan fishing boats, the Viking and the Progress, and had a collection of roughly recorded songs which he'd written and recorded on those boats. 
Through the creaks of the boat, the hiss of his cheap tape recorder, and his fingers fumbling to turn it on and off between takes, there were some haunting and infectious melodies that had pretty weighty subject matter. Each of the songs was a vignette of a different person (or persons) experiencing the ending of the world."


When Patrick teamed up with Suny Lyons (Hope For Agoldensummer) to turn his initial recordings into a fully produced album, he sought the additional skills of Oryx & Crake's Matt Jarrard, Marie Davon of Venice is Sinking and powerkompany and Scott Spillane, the last of whom has worked with Neutral Milk Hotel and Elephant 6.  A preview of "Whistling While the End is Near" is included below.

Oryx & Crake and The Viking Progress will be playing tonight, March 30th, at The Earl in Atlanta, and tomorrow, March 31st, at The Caledonia Lounge in Athens.  These are a pair of shows not to be missed.  In addition to getting a live taste of "Whistling While the End is near," the audiences will also have the opportunity to hear preview tracks from Oryx & Crake's new album.  Morales also recently went on tour with Dare Dukes in support of the latter's latest release "Thugs and China Dolls."  Here are some some photos I caught during their performance at Union Pool in Brooklyn.



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