
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Friday in Savannah: Baby Baby and Gun Party

Writing by Stephanie Augello
Videos by Video Rahim and Terence Rushin

This weekend, Atlanta bands Gun Party and Baby Baby will be playing in the nighttime summer swelter of Savannah, GA.  Those of you who know those nights will know that this will be a good night. 

I often pride myself on the quirky titles and quasi interesting story lines I insert into these posts.  Sometimes, they're really easy to conjure up.  Other times, it feels as if the well has run dry.  Right now is one of the latter times.  In my head, I want to go on and on, discussing some aspect of the music scene in Savannah, and how that city has a lot to offer both residents and visitors in terms of subculture.  That sentence is about as far as my brain will go right now.  Grown up things have made me tired (insert yawn).  Now, I'll get to my point.  Yes, I have one.

This June weekend in Savannah should be a damn good time for those who seek such a thing.  Two energetic, popular acts from Atlanta will be making their way(s) across highways to perform at The Wormhole.  You know that place.  You like going there.  It's all sorts of enjoyable, and you should check out Baby Baby and Gun Party when they play there on Friday, June 29th. 

I had the chance to check out both bands at Atlanta's IMR Music Festival back in April.  In my subsequent write-up, I zeroed in on Gun Party's performance, referring to them as being like behind the scenes footage from an Andy Warhol film.  The band recently released a new video for their track 'Nothing Like a Sheep to Make You Feel Like a Wolf,' which was directed by Video Rahim.

To tie this up with a nice little bow, I will offer you a description of Baby Baby, crafted by the members of Gun Party.

Quit hatin. These dudes are fun. Raucous party tunes. Sometimes feete shufflink , sometimes a touch of metaltastic. These guys like hard work and ball sweat. If you haven't started moving yet, then you are really really running out of excuses at this point. Save your excuses for when you need them, like the next day when you were supposed to meet this cute girl for coffee at eleven AM, which you make but then have to explain your godawful smell because you met her at bible study and want her to think you are something that you are not.

They have an album. That they recorded. Do that.

Represented by The Gospel of Rhythm Recordings, Baby Baby also has a video.  It's for their song 'Fire.'

So, remember kids, Gun Party and Baby Baby this Friday, June 29th at The WormholeEach and Every Opus will be opening, and DaxExclamationPoint will be your host.  Baby Baby will also be making an appearance at Taco Abajo tomorrow night, Thursday, June 28th.

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