
Saturday, November 24, 2012

One Mighty Ugly Backpack in Manhattan

Writing by Stephanie Augello

Tonight, Saturday, November 24th, One Might Ugly Backpack has organized a great show at the Ding Dong Lounge in ManhattanPerformers include The Bloody Muffs, Cycles, Strange Things Done in the Midnight Sun and The Best Lies.


It's no secret that Chris Andrews from NY band The Best Lies is a pretty active individual.  In addition to playing out on a regular basis, he's constantly booking shows in the area under the auspices of One Might Ugly Backpack.  Most of the time, he works with and through The Place Bar & Lounge in Greenpoint, but tonight he's set up a show on the other side of the East River at Manhattan's Ding Dong Lounge.  Tonight's show gets started at 8PM, and costs $5 at the door.  The bands include The Bloody Muffs, Cycles, Strange Things Done in the Midnight Sun and The Best Lies.  Below are brief glimpses at all of the acts.

The Bloody Muffs


According to their Facebook page, this three-piece band from Brooklyn/Long Island, has been making magic together since August 2011.  I couldn't find much more about them on the internets, so they shall remain shrouded in mystery for the time being.


Strange Things Done in the Midnight Sun

The Best Lies

Further information about the show can be found via Facebook.

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