
Friday, November 9, 2012

Photo Follow Up: Cusses and Brother Reverend at Lit Lounge

 Writing & Photos by Stephanie Augello

On Thursday, November 8th, Cusses and Brother Reverend played at Lit Lounge in Manhattan.  Here's a photo recap of the event.


This is one of those moments where I'm staring at the computer screen in astonishment, saying to myself, "Wow.  I'm totally updating my blog the day after a show."  Wonders never cease.  Anyway, last night, Brother Reverend and Cusses played a great show at Lit Lounge on Manhattan's Lower East Side.  Instead of being overtly wordy (you're welcome), I'll let the photos do the talking. 

Brother Reverend









If you didn't get a chance to see Cusses last night, they'll be playing at The Flat in Brooklyn tonight, Friday, November 9th.  The show starts at 9PM.

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