
Saturday, November 24, 2012

One Mighty Ugly Backpack in Manhattan

Writing by Stephanie Augello

Tonight, Saturday, November 24th, One Might Ugly Backpack has organized a great show at the Ding Dong Lounge in ManhattanPerformers include The Bloody Muffs, Cycles, Strange Things Done in the Midnight Sun and The Best Lies.


It's no secret that Chris Andrews from NY band The Best Lies is a pretty active individual.  In addition to playing out on a regular basis, he's constantly booking shows in the area under the auspices of One Might Ugly Backpack.  Most of the time, he works with and through The Place Bar & Lounge in Greenpoint, but tonight he's set up a show on the other side of the East River at Manhattan's Ding Dong Lounge.  Tonight's show gets started at 8PM, and costs $5 at the door.  The bands include The Bloody Muffs, Cycles, Strange Things Done in the Midnight Sun and The Best Lies.  Below are brief glimpses at all of the acts.

The Bloody Muffs


According to their Facebook page, this three-piece band from Brooklyn/Long Island, has been making magic together since August 2011.  I couldn't find much more about them on the internets, so they shall remain shrouded in mystery for the time being.


Strange Things Done in the Midnight Sun

The Best Lies

Further information about the show can be found via Facebook.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Triple EP Release

Writing by Stephanie Augello
Video Flyer by Jeff Shipman
Book Club Video by Emer Reilly & Robbie Horlick

On Saturday, November 17th, Book Club, Blake Rainey & His Demons and Jeremy Ray will hold a triple EP Release party at The Earl in Atlanta.  Below is some more information, including a video flyer by Jeff Shipman, and Book Club's latest music video.


For all that I've come across regarding independent music over the past few years, this is the first time I've heard of a Triple EP Release party.  It kind of made me happy to learn of it, because my inner hippie felt that it expressed a notion of togetherness; of three different artists convening on one night to show their new creations to their city.  All cheesy sentiment aside, that's exactly what it is.

Tonight, Saturday, November 17th, at The Earl in Atlanta, Book Club, Blake Rainey & His Demons and Jeremy Ray will be the acts releasing their achievements to the public.  As a publicity method, they worked with visual artist Jeff Shipman to release the video flyer posted below.  It's a really cool pixilation animation piece, which I think you should take a look at.  Yes, it's aesthetically appealing, but it also consists of all of the information about tonight's show.


Additionally, Book Club has also launched a brand new music video for their track 'Oh, You Lied," the first single off of "Shapes on the Water."  Created by Emer Reilly and Robbie Horlick, it "... is a mish-mash of old-school claymation and stop-motion animation, featuring a sasquatch named Frank, and was actually shot entirely on an iPhone."

"Oh! You Lied" - Book Club (Music Video) from Book Club (The Band) on Vimeo.

 The Triple EP Release show kicks off at 9PM tonight, and tickets can be purchased in advance HERE.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Photo Follow Up: Cusses and Brother Reverend at Lit Lounge

 Writing & Photos by Stephanie Augello

On Thursday, November 8th, Cusses and Brother Reverend played at Lit Lounge in Manhattan.  Here's a photo recap of the event.


This is one of those moments where I'm staring at the computer screen in astonishment, saying to myself, "Wow.  I'm totally updating my blog the day after a show."  Wonders never cease.  Anyway, last night, Brother Reverend and Cusses played a great show at Lit Lounge on Manhattan's Lower East Side.  Instead of being overtly wordy (you're welcome), I'll let the photos do the talking. 

Brother Reverend









If you didn't get a chance to see Cusses last night, they'll be playing at The Flat in Brooklyn tonight, Friday, November 9th.  The show starts at 9PM.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cusses in NYC with Brother Reverend

Writing by Stephanie Augello

Tomorrow night, Thursday, November 8th, Savannah, GA band Cusses will be playing at Lit Lounge on Manhattan's Lower East in support of their new self-titled release.  They will be joined by local band Brother Reverend.


What the Hell Just Happened?

With all that's gone on since Hurricane Sandy, it's hard to believe that I'm living in the same New York as I was on October 28th.  Having lost power for nine days, I definitely missed most of the news coverage of the storm's aftermath, and even now feel like I can't fully comprehend the devastation that has occurred.  I had been able to periodically check Facebook from my phone (when it was charged, at least), and what I'd noticed is how well those involved with the greater indie music scene(s) have been banding (no pun intended) together to benefit those effected by Sandy. 

Showing Support

One such group is popular Savannah, GA act Cusses.  They released their self-titled debut album on October 30th, which is available for purchase on a number of sites including iTunes,, Best Buy and Barnes & Noble.  Prior to Sandy's landfall on October 29th, Cusses had already scheduled a few stops in the Northeast in support of their latest endeavor. Luckily, the weather has not forced them to cancel their dates up here, and they will be playing in Manhattan at Lit Lounge on Thursday, November 8th, and at The Flat in Brooklyn on Friday, November 9th.  Prior to leaving for tour, the members also set up a Hurricane Sandy donation spot in Savannah, and will be bringing supplies to help out those hardest hit by the storm.  That's a wonderful show of humanitarianism, folks.


Tomorrow night, Cusses will be joined at Lit Lounge by awesome NYC band Brother Reverend
According to their Facebook page, they "...cite the chords of Ray Davies, the commitment of Bob Dylan, and the vision of James Brown as an influence."  Their latest record, 'Ike Turner Kills Fascists' was released in February 2012, and you can take a listen to it below.

Tomorrow night's show starts around 9PM, but due to potential transportation issues, I'd recommend trying to get there a bit early.  All of the other information you might need can be found HERE.  They'll also be playing on Friday, November 9th at The Flat in Brooklyn.  Click HERE for more information about that.  We're looking forward to seeing you!